Why Is Dog Teeth Scaling Important?

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Having a dog is a big responsibility, and one of the responsibilities you need to stay on top of is your dog’s oral care. Just like humans, dogs’ teeth need to be brushed frequently and cleaned with special tools once or twice each year. This not only keeps their smiles looking clean and smelling fresh, but it also helps to prevent oral diseases and other problems. One thing you might need to get done at an appointment is dog teeth scaling.

Why Is Dog Teeth Scaling Important?

Dog teeth scaling is necessary to remove plaque and tartar. While plaque is not the worst thing in the beginning, it can become a big problem if you are not removing it with regular brushing or dental treats to scrape it off. Plaque could stay on your dog’s teeth for an extended period of time, and when it stays too long, it will gradually harden and become tartar. All this buildup can cause your dog’s gums to become inflamed, leading to more serious problems.

Depending on how bad your dog’s plaque and tartar buildup is, you have a couple of options for dog teeth scaling. For buildup that is on its way to becoming a serious problem like periodontal disease, you need to visit a veterinarian who can remove buildup below the gum line while your dog is under anesthesia. However, if your dog’s plaque and tartar is merely a cosmetic problem above the gum line, you can bring them to technicians like us to take care of it.